Belfast One World Run

Sunday 18th May 2014
The One World Run has developed into something of a tradition for OAC. Gary Keenan has had a long involvement with it and there has been a heavy presence from the club over the last few years. This year was no different. Around 25 athletes ran the event with several supporters from the club. The fairly miserable weather was no deterrent for both the turnout or the performances of the athletes.
Although it was a charity fun run so didn’t have chip times and had approximate distance measurements, the club athletes were taking the run pretty seriously and putting a determined effort in. The runs status as being in the OAC club championship would have contributed to this. John Craig, Joe Craney and Thomas Leitch took 1st, 2nd and 3rd podium places for the men and Sile Brennan took the 1st lady place. In addition, the club itself received a surprise for its support of the event.
In addition to these achievements at least 14 athletes would have got 10k PB’s in the event including Sharon Corken, Jacqui Maxwell, Alan Montgomery, Brian Todd, Joy McAleer and Michael O’Donoghue. Raymond Leitch impressively got a PB of 39m30s.
There was a good atmosphere all round at the event, and the club even managed to get a selfie with the Belfast Lord Mayor! Great event and we will return.